Digital Photography 101

Digital Photography 101 is a guide for anyone who is just stepping into the world of photography. This resource will cover everything that you will need to know to get started, and more. Click and of the links bellow to get started!



  1. Got here from Facebook..this is one good guide for beginners.keep it up

    1. Thanks! I hope to slowly build this to something that can be helpful to a lot of beginners.

  2. Can I ask a favo. I just got my Canon 100d and I was completely unaware of anything, and I found myself experimenting until I changed the aperature and etc. My problem is I want it back on the way it used to be because wherenever I capture things its dark and I don't know how to fix it, I already followed what you said on your youtube yet I still cant figure out what the perfect aperature.

  3. Dear anonymous, it could be a few things. First I dont knwo canon controls but if it has a full automated mode (where camera takes care of everything) put it bak on that and try. Aside from that, it sounds like exposure might be set very low (these will be -1, -2, -3) or that the shutter speed is set to a very small fraction of a second (1/800th of a sec) would not give much time for light to get in so the shot would be very dark. Is it completyely black or "only" very dark ? Another thing could be your ISO (how sensitive the camera is to light, i leave this as low as possible and only increase if using at night) setting, but if taking photo during daylight this can be set as low as possible and photo shuold stil be bright. Hope this helps

  4. Hi, I was just wondering what photo editing program you use post shot?
